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[英]Use tmx file to create map in java

I use Tiled to create tiled map. 我使用平铺创建平铺的地图。

I create tmx file but I don't know how I can use this file to create a tiled map in javafx. 我创建了tmx文件,但我不知道如何使用该文件在javafx中创建平铺的地图。

I search and find I have to convert tmx file to XML file. 我搜索发现必须将tmx文件转换为XML文件。

But I don't know how I use from the XML file. 但是我不知道如何使用XML文件。

please help me to create a tiled map from XML file. 请帮助我从XML文件创建平铺地图。

I'm not sure what exactly you want to achieve in JavaFX but there is a thread in the tiled forum that seems to address your question: 我不确定您到底想在JavaFX中实现什么,但是平铺论坛中有一个线程似乎可以解决您的问题:

http://discourse.mapeditor.org/t/loading-tmx-map-and-displaying-with-javafx/1189 http://discourse.mapeditor.org/t/loading-tmx-map-and-displaying-with-javafx/1189

Btw tmx files actually are XML files. Btw tmx文件实际上是XML文件。 TMX is short for Tile Map XML. TMX是Tile Map XML的缩写。

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