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[英]Log-likelihood of Nakagami distribution is infinite in R

I am fitting the normalized histogram of my dataset $x \\in [60,80]$ to Nakagami distribution. 我正在将[60,80] $中的数据集$ x \\的归一化直方图拟合为Nakagami分布。 First I have estimated the scale and shape parameters using dnaka of VGAM package through the following MLE code: 首先,我们估计使用比例和形状参数dnakaVGAM包通过以下MLE代码:

ll <- function(par) {
  if(par[1]>0 & par[2]>0) {return(-sum(log(dnaka(x, scale = par[1], shape = par[2]) ) ) )}  # m=shape, ohm or spread = scale
  else return(Inf)
mle = optim(c(1000,1), ll)

Then, I am estimating the log-likelihood value based on the estimated parameters through the following code: 然后,我通过以下代码基于估计的参数来估计对数似然值:

lik = sum(log(dnaka(x, shape = mle$par[1], scale = mle$par[2]) ) )

But the log-likelihood value lik is -Inf . 但是对数似然值-Inf-Inf I understand that this infinite value is due to the exp(.) term in the PDF equation of Nakagami distribution. 我知道这个无限值是由于Nakagami分布的PDF方程中的exp(。)项引起的。 Is there a way to estimate the finite log-likelihood value for the Nakagami distribution for my dataset $x \\in [60,80]$? 有没有办法为我的数据集$ x \\ in [60,80] $估算Nakagami分布的有限对数似然值? Thank you. 谢谢。

Please see my comment to the original question. 请参阅我对原始问题的评论。

Here is a working example using simulated data with scale = 1.5 and shape = 1 这是一个使用scale = 1.5shape = 1模拟数据的工作示例

x <- rnaka(10^4, scale = 1.5, shape = 1);

ll <- function(par) {
    if (par[1] >= 0.5 && par[2] > 0) {
        return(-sum(log(dnaka(x, scale = par[1], shape = par[2]))));
    else return(Inf);

mle <- optim(c(0.5, 1), ll);

#[1] 1.4833965 0.9938022

#[1] 7946.478

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