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计算 PyTorch 中 4D 张量的最大值和最小值

[英]Compute maxima and minima of a 4D tensor in PyTorch

Suppose that we have a 4-dimensional tensor, for instance假设我们有一个 4 维张量,例如

import torch
X = torch.rand(2, 3, 4, 4)                                                                                                                                                                
tensor([[[[-0.9951,  1.6668,  1.3140,  1.4274],
          [ 0.2614,  2.6442, -0.3041,  0.7337],
          [-1.2690,  0.0125, -0.3885,  0.0535],
          [ 1.5270, -0.1186, -0.4458,  0.1389]],

         [[ 0.9125, -1.2998, -0.4277, -0.2688],
          [-1.6917, -0.8855, -0.2784, -0.6717],
          [ 1.1417,  0.4574,  0.4803, -1.6637],
          [ 0.7322,  0.2654, -0.1525,  1.7285]],

         [[ 1.8310, -1.5765,  0.1392,  1.3431],
          [-0.6641, -1.5090, -0.4893, -1.4110],
          [ 0.5875,  0.7528, -0.6482, -0.2547],
          [-2.3133,  0.3888,  2.1428,  0.2331]]]])

I want to compute the maximum and the minimum values of X over the dimensions 2 and 3, that is, to compute two tensors of size (2,3,1,1), one for the maximum and one for the minimum values of the 4x4 blocks.我想计算X在维度 2 和维度 3 上的最大值和最小值,也就是说,计算两个大小为 (2,3,1,1) 的张量,一个用于最大值,一个用于最小值4x4 块。

I started by trying to do that with torch.max() and torch.min() , but I had no luck.我开始尝试使用torch.max()torch.min()来做到这一点,但我没有运气。 I would expect the dim argument of the above functions to be able to take tuple values, but it can take only an integer. So I don't know how to proceed.我希望上述函数的dim参数能够采用元组值,但它只能采用 integer。所以我不知道如何进行。

However, specifically for the maximum values, I decided to use torch.nn.MaxPool2d() with kernel_size=4 and stride=4 .但是,特别是对于最大值,我决定将torch.nn.MaxPool2d()kernel_size=4stride=4一起使用。 This indeed did the job:这确实完成了工作:

max_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=4, stride=4)
X_max = max_pool(X)                                                                                                                                                                  

But, afaik, there's no similar layer for "min"-pooling.但是,afaik,“最小”池没有类似的层。 Could you please help me on how to compute the minima similarly to the maxima?你能帮我看看如何像计算最大值一样计算最小值吗?

Thank you.谢谢你。

Just calculate the max for both dimensions sequentially, it gives the same result: 只需依次计算两个维度的最大值,即可得出相同的结果:

tup = (2,3)
for dim in tup:
    X = torch.max(X,dim=dim,keepdim=True)[0]

If you use torch>=1.11, please use torch.amax function,如果使用torch>=1.11,请使用torch.amax function,

dim = (2,3)
x     = torch.rand(2,3,4,4)
x_max = torch.amax(x,dim=dim)

However, if you use the older version of Pytorch, then please use this custom max function但是,如果你使用旧版本的Pytorch,那么请使用这个自定义的max function

def torch_max(x,dim):
    s1 = [i for i in range(len(x.shape)) if i not in dim] 
    s2 = [i for i in range(len(x.shape)) if i in dim]
    x2 = x.permute(tuple(s1+s2))
    s = [d for (i,d) in enumerate(x.shape) if i not in dim] + [-1]
    x2 = torch.reshape(x2, tuple(s))
    max,_ = x2.max(-1)
    return max 

Usage of this function is very similar to the original torch.max function.这个 function 的用法与原始的 torch.max function 非常相似。

dim = (2,3)
x     = torch.rand(2,3,4,4)
x_max = torch_max(x,dim=dim)

If the length of dim is long, then this custom torch_max is slightly faster.如果dim的长度比较长,那么这个自定义的torch_max稍微快一些。

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