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[英]Numpy array with different standard deviation per row

I'd like to get an NxM matrix where numbers in each row are random samples generated from different normal distributions(same mean but different standard deviations). 我想得到一个NxM矩阵,其中每行中的数字是从不同的正态分布(相同的mean但不同的标准偏差)生成的随机样本。 The following code works: 以下代码有效:

import numpy as np

mean = 0.0 # same mean
stds = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] # different stds
matrix = np.random.random((3,10))

for i,std in enumerate(stds):
     matrix[i] = np.random.normal(mean, std, matrix.shape[1])

However, this code is not quite efficient as there is a for loop involved. 但是,由于涉及for循环,此代码效率不高。 Is there a faster way to do this? 有更快的方法吗?

np.random.normal() is vectorized ; np.random.normal()是矢量化的 ; you can switch axes and transpose the result: 你可以切换轴并转置结果:

arr = np.random.normal(loc=0., scale=[1., 2., 3.], size=(1000, 3)).T

# [-0.06678394 -0.12606733 -0.04992722]
# [0.99080274 2.03563299 3.01426507]

That is, the scale parameter is the column-wise standard deviation, hence the need to transpose via .T since you want row-wise inputs. 也就是说, scale参数是逐列标准偏差,因此需要通过.T进行转置,因为你需要逐行输入。

How about this? 这个怎么样?

rows = 10000
stds = [1, 5, 10]

data = np.random.normal(size=(rows, len(stds)))
scaled = data * stds

print(np.std(scaled, axis=0))

Output: 输出:

[ 0.99417905  5.00908719 10.02930637]

This exploits the fact that a two normal distributions can be interconverted by linear scaling (in this case, multiplying by standard deviation). 这利用了这样的事实:两个正态分布可以通过线性缩放相互转换(在这种情况下,乘以标准偏差)。 In the output, each column (second axis) will contain a normally distributed variable corresponding to a value in stds . 在输出中,每列(第二轴)将包含与stds的值对应的正态分布变量。

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