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有没有办法配置 Unity,使可寻址纹理根本不压缩?

[英]Is there a way to configure Unity so that addressable textures don't compress at all?

Is it me or am I the only one who wants my JPG's untouched for my 2D puzzle game?是我还是我唯一一个希望我的 JPG 原封不动地用于我的 2D 益智游戏的人? I would just like them to stay the way they are.我只是希望他们保持原样。 I use Photoshop to get them just right - the right size, the right color profile, everything right.我使用 Photoshop 让它们恰到好处 - 正确的尺寸、正确的颜色配置文件,一切都正确。

Is there a method to slip Unity the skip-me for post-process of the images before compile?有没有一种方法可以让 Unity 在编译前跳过我对图像进行后期处理? And just take them straight?直接把它们拿走?

After you imported your jpg to unity, click on it, and navigate your inspector window to the bottom.将 jpg 导入 unity 后,单击它,然后将检查器 window 导航到底部。 You can set the compression property here for every target or to specific build targets.您可以在此处为每个目标或特定构建目标设置压缩属性。

https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TextureImporter.html https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TextureImporter.html


This way your asset will not be compressed in builds, btw JPG is already compressed.这样你的资产就不会在构建中被压缩,顺便说一句 JPG 已经被压缩了。

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