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两个二维 numpy 阵列之间的操作

[英]Operation between two 2D numpy array

I am trying to operate on two 2D numpy arrays, such that my first numpy array's each row operate on all of the rows of second numpy array. I am trying to operate on two 2D numpy arrays, such that my first numpy array's each row operate on all of the rows of second numpy array.


test[] = [[0.54131721 0.52305685 0.42921551, 0.37434461 0.52591475 0.36184407]
 [0.53091097 0.3000469  0.39346106, 0.29261769 0.3806552  0.33904193]
 [0.29331853 0.44518117 0.41390863, 0.2510257  0.50481932 0.43607184]]


train[] =[[0.5301304,  0.62645837, 0.44524917, 0.40806674 0.46013734 0.61033772]
 [0.43333892 0.46062429 0.56937923, 0.6451305  0.33103777 0.35859095]
 [0.60879428 0.72451976 0.2661216, 0.38850336 0.41685737 0.57226228]]

This is how I am saving both array:这就是我保存两个数组的方式:

import numpy as np
trainingData = np.genfromtxt('trainingData.csv', delimiter=',')
inTraining = trainingData[:, :-1]
testData = np.genfromtxt('testData.csv', delimiter=',')
inTest = testData[:, :-1]

This is what I tried, which seems to be not even close:这是我尝试过的,似乎还没有接近:

def euclideanDistance( c1, c2):
        d1 = inTraining[]
        d2 = inTest[]
        a = math.sqrt( (d1[0]-d2[0])**2 + (d1[1]-d2[1])**2 )
        return a

Expected output should be like first list containing result of operation between:预期的 output 应该类似于包含以下操作结果的第一个列表:

[0.54131721 0.52305685 0.42921551, 0.37434461 0.52591475 0.36184407] and [[0.5301304,  0.62645837, 0.44524917, 0.40806674 0.46013734 0.61033772]
 [0.43333892 0.46062429 0.56937923, 0.6451305  0.33103777 0.35859095]
 [0.60879428 0.72451976 0.2661216, 0.38850336 0.41685737 0.57226228]]

IIUC, you want to compute distance between each row of test to each rows of train . IIUC,您想计算每行test到每行train之间的距离。 That's distance_matrix :那是distance_matrix

from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

Output: Output:

array([[0.27979822, 0.38277359, 0.35792442],
       [0.44997152, 0.43972939, 0.51706358],
       [0.3833412 , 0.48532177, 0.49455157]])

If you want numpy only code, you can look at the code of distance_matrix to see what's happening.如果您只想要 numpy 代码,您可以查看distance_matrix的代码以了解发生了什么。 Basically, it's a broadcasting action:基本上,这是一个广播动作:

def dist_mat(x,y):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum((x- y[:,None])**2, axis=-1))


Output: Output:

array([[0.27979822, 0.38277359, 0.35792442],
       [0.44997152, 0.43972939, 0.51706358],
       [0.3833412 , 0.48532177, 0.49455157]])

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