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使用 rlang 将变量动态插入寓言 model

[英]Dynamically insert variables into a fable model using rlang

I am trying to dynamically insert variables into a fable model.我正在尝试将变量动态插入到寓言 model 中。



df <- tsibbledata::aus_retail %>% 
  filter(State == "Victoria", Industry == "Food retailing") %>% 
  mutate(reg_test = rnorm(441, 5, 2),
         reg_test2 = rnorm(441, 5, 2))

Note that there can be an undetermined number of regressors included in the tsibble, but in this example, I have only two ( reg_test and reg_test2 ).请注意,tsibble 中可能包含不确定数量的回归量,但在本例中,我只有两个( reg_testreg_test2 )。 All regressor columns will start with reg_所有回归量列都将以reg_

Problem Function问题Function

I have a function where I want to dynamically put the regressor columns into an ARIMA model using the fable package.我有一个 function,我想使用寓言 package 将回归量列动态放入 ARIMA model。

test_f <- function(df)  {
var_names <- str_subset(names(df), "reg_") %>% 
    paste0(collapse = "+")  
    test <- enquo(var_names)
df %>% 
  model(ARIMA(Turnover ~ !!test))


# A mable: 1 x 3
# Key:     State, Industry [1]
  State    Industry      `ARIMA(Turnover ~ ~"reg_test+reg_tes~
  <chr>    <chr>         <model>                              
1 Victoria Food retaili~ <NULL model>                         
Warning message:
1 error encountered for ARIMA(Turnover ~ ~"reg_test+reg_test2")
[1] invalid model formula in ExtractVars

I know that it is just putting the string var_names into the formula, which does not work, but I can't figure out how to create var_names in such a way that I can enquo() it correctly.我知道它只是将字符串var_names放入公式中,这是行不通的,但我不知道如何以我可以正确enquo()的方式创建var_names

I read through the Quasiquotation section here I searched SO but have not found the answer yet.在这里阅读了 Quasiquotation 部分,我搜索了 SO 但还没有找到答案。

This question with pasre_expr() seemed to get closer, but still not what I wanted. 这个问题pasre_expr()似乎越来越接近,但仍然不是我想要的。

I know that I can use sym() if I have one variable, but I don't know how many reg_ variables there will be and I want to include them all.我知道我可以使用sym()如果我有一个变量,但我不知道会有多少reg_变量,我想把它们都包括在内。

Expected Output预计 Output

By putting in the variables manually, I can show the output that I expect.通过手动输入变量,我可以显示我期望的 output。

test <- df %>% 
  model(ARIMA(Turnover ~ reg_test + reg_test2))
test$`ARIMA(Turnover ~ reg_test + reg_test2)`[[1]]

Series: Turnover 
Model: LM w/ ARIMA(2,1,0)(0,1,2)[12] errors 

          ar1      ar2     sma1     sma2  reg_test  reg_test2
      -0.6472  -0.3541  -0.4115  -0.0793   -0.0296    -0.6143
s.e.   0.0473   0.0479   0.0520   0.0446    0.5045     0.5273

sigma^2 estimated as 884.9:  log likelihood=-2058.04
AIC=4130.08   AICc=4130.35   BIC=4158.5

I also imagine that there is a better way for me to make the formula in the ARIMA function. If this can fix my problem as well, that will work too.我还想象有更好的方法让我在ARIMA function 中制作公式。如果这也能解决我的问题,那也行。

I appreciate any help!感谢您的帮助!

You're possibly making this a bit more complicated than it needs to be.您可能会使它变得比需要的更复杂。 You can convert a string to a formula by doing as.formula(string) , so simply build your formula as a string, convert it to a formula, then feed it to ARIMA .您可以通过执行as.formula(string)将字符串转换为公式,因此只需将公式构建为字符串,将其转换为公式,然后将其提供给ARIMA即可。 Here's a reprex:这是一个代表:


df <- tsibbledata::aus_retail %>% 
  filter(State == "Victoria", Industry == "Food retailing") %>% 
  mutate(reg_test = rnorm(441, 5, 2),
         reg_test2 = rnorm(441, 5, 2))

test_f <- function(df)  {
    var_names <- paste0(str_subset(names(df), "reg_"), collapse = " + ")
    mod <- model(df, ARIMA(as.formula(paste("Turnover ~", var_names))))
    unclass(mod[1, 3][[1]])[[1]]

#> Series: Turnover 
#> Model: LM w/ ARIMA(2,1,0)(0,1,1)[12] errors 
#> Coefficients:
#>           ar1     ar2     sma1  reg_test  reg_test2
#>       -0.6689  -0.376  -0.4765    0.3363     1.0194
#> s.e.   0.0448   0.045   0.0426    0.4978     0.5436
#> sigma^2 estimated as 883.1:  log likelihood=-2058.28
#> AIC=4128.56   AICc=4128.76   BIC=4152.91

Created on 2020-04-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)reprex package (v0.3.0) 创建于 2020-04-23

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