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从纹理采样得到黑色 model 使用 opengl 和 SOIL2

[英]Sampling from a texture gives a black model using opengl and SOIL2

I'm trying to texture a model but all I get is the model rendered totally in black.我正在尝试对 model 进行纹理处理,但我得到的只是 model 完全呈现为黑色。 i use SOIL2 library to load the image into the memory and the following code shows Load function in my Texture class.我使用SOIL2库将图像加载到 memory 中,以下代码显示在我的纹理class 中加载function。

bool Texture::Load(std::string texturePath) 
    int channels = 0; 
    unsigned char* image = SOIL_load_image(texturePath.c_str(), &mWidth, &mHeight, &channels, SOIL_LOAD_AUTO); 
    if (image == nullptr) 
        std::cout << "Failed to load image " << texturePath; 
        return false; 

    int format = GL_RGB;
    if (channels == 4) 
        format = GL_RGBA; 

    glGenTextures(1, &mTextureID); 
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTextureID);


    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, mWidth, mHeight, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image); 

    // Free data
    return true; 

When I tried to debug the code I found out that the image pointer is pointing to an empty array as the following image I don't know if this is the problem or not but I found it weird and I'm pretty sure that the image is loaded successfully because mWidth and mHeight have their correct values.当我尝试调试代码时,我发现图像指针指向一个空数组,如下图我不知道这是否是问题,但我发现它很奇怪,我很确定图像加载成功,因为mWidthmHeight具有正确的值。


My vertex shader :我的顶点着色器

#version 330 core

layout(location=0) in vec3 position ;
layout(location=1) in vec2 UVCoord ;
layout(location=2) in vec3 normal ;

uniform mat4 uWorldTransform ; 
uniform mat4 uView ; 
uniform mat4 uProjection ; 

out vec2 textCoord ; 

void main()
    gl_Position = uProjection * uView * uWorldTransform * vec4(position, 1.0) ; 
    textCoord = UVCoord ; 

and my fragment shader和我的片段着色器

#version 330 core

in vec2 textCoord ;

out vec4 color ;

uniform sampler2D myTexture ; 

void main()
    color = texture(myTexture , textCoord) ; 

My rendering code :我的渲染代码

void Renderer::Draw() 
    glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    std::vector<Actor*> actors = mGame->GetActors(); 
    for (auto act : actors) 
        if (act->GetDrawable()) 
            glm::mat4 worldTransform = act->GetWorldTransform();
            Shader* shader = mShaders[act->GetMesh()->GetShaderName()]; 
            VertexArrayObject* vao = act->GetMesh()->GetVAO();
            Texture* text = act->GetTexture(); 

            shader->SetMatrix4Uniform("uWorldTransform", worldTransform);
            shader->SetMatrix4Uniform("uView", mView);
            shader->SetMatrix4Uniform("uProjection", mProjection);

            if (text) 

            glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, vao->GetEBOsize(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr);


This is the result I get on my screen:这是我在屏幕上得到的结果:


Call glGenerateMipmap() after image upload ( glTexImage2D() ), otherwise it won't do anything useful since there isn't any image data in the texture yet to generate mipmaps from.在图像上传( glTexImage2D()之后调用glGenerateMipmap() ) ,否则它不会做任何有用的事情,因为纹理中还没有任何图像数据可以从中生成 mipmap。

Or disable mip sampling by setting GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to GL_LINEAR / GL_NEAREST .或者通过将GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER设置为GL_LINEAR / GL_NEAREST来禁用 mip 采样。

Also, be careful with GL_RGB & the default GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT of 4 .另外,请注意GL_RGB和默认的GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 4 1 is what you usually want. 1是你通常想要的。

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