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Blender UV 球导出为 GLTF

[英]Blender UV Sphere Exported as GLTF

When I export the default UV Sphere as GLTF model, it ends up having 1940 vertices.当我将默认 UV 球体导出为 GLTF model 时,它最终有 1940 个顶点。 When I export the same model as OBJ, it has 482 vertices (the correct count).当我导出与 OBJ 相同的 model 时,它有 482 个顶点(正确计数)。

Something not right with the blender GLTF exporter (version 2.83). Blender GLTF 导出器(2.83 版)有些不对劲。

Unlike OBJ, glTF is a runtime format — designed for rendering on a GPU without much processing.与 OBJ 不同,glTF 是一种运行时格式 — 设计用于在 GPU 上渲染而无需太多处理。 Conversion of Blender's vertices to GPU vertices is complicated, and not necessarily 1:1. Blender的顶点到GPU个顶点的转换比较复杂,不一定是1:1。

If you triangulate the mesh before export and disable most vertex-level data (UVs, Normals, Vertex Colors) in export settings, you have a better chance of having the same vertex count before/after:如果在导出前对网格进行三角剖分并在导出设置中禁用大多数顶点级数据(UV、法线、顶点颜色),则更有可能在导出之前/之后拥有相同的顶点数:

禁用 UV、法线和顶点颜色的导出设置的屏幕截图

With those settings, the UV Sphere will have the same vertex count (482) before and after export.使用这些设置,UV 球体在导出前后将具有相同的顶点数 (482)。 With other settings, or other models, there's just going to be a chance your vertex counts will come out differently.使用其他设置或其他模型,您的顶点数可能会有所不同。 That's not necessarily a bad thing — it avoids making the realtime viewers do this work later — but of course there may be cases where you want to bring the vertex count down.这不一定是坏事——它避免了让实时查看者稍后做这项工作——但当然在某些情况下你想减少顶点计数。 If you have general questions about this topic I would suggest starting a thread somewhere like https://blenderartists.org/ .如果您对这个主题有一般性问题,我建议您在https://blenderartists.org/ 之类的地方开始讨论。

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