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[英]If statement Stata

I'm trying to build the following if statement in Stata: I want Stata to restrict my sample with the following conditions keep if distance > 50 & distance < 60 but only if the binary variable category = 0 .我正在尝试在 Stata 中构建以下 if 语句:我希望 Stata 使用以下条件限制我的样本, keep if distance > 50 & distance < 60 ,但前提是二进制变量category = 0 How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

You can add an extra condition in your if-statement.您可以在 if 语句中添加额外的条件。

keep if category == 1 | (category == 0 & distance > 50 & distance < 60)

If you are saying you want to restrict the sample to all observations that are category 0 and are also between 50 and 60 in distance, that is:如果您说要将样本限制为所有类别 0 且距离也在 50 到 60 之间的观测值,即:

keep if (category == 0 & distance > 50 & distance < 60)

If you would like to maintain both types of observations in your dataset I recommend you create a new dummy variable called restricted_sample .如果您想在数据集中维护这两种类型的观察结果,我建议您创建一个名为restricted_sample的新虚拟变量。 After that, you could calculate statistics with both categories or each of them separately.之后,您可以分别计算两个类别或每个类别的统计数据。 You can create this variable according to your requirements in the following way:您可以通过以下方式根据您的要求创建此变量:

gen restricted_sample = 1 if category == 0 & distance > 50 & distance < 60 & !missing(distance) & !missing(category) 
replace restricted_sample = 0 if restricted_sample == .& !missing(distance) & !missing(category) 

Then you can obtain statistics considering the different subgroups:然后,您可以获得考虑不同子组的统计数据:

* All 
sum distance

* For each group
sum distance if restricted_sample == 1
sum distance if restricted_sample == 0

You can test the code with the following dataset.您可以使用以下数据集测试代码。 This dataset includes some missing values also.该数据集还包括一些缺失值。

clear all 
set obs 100
gen distance = runiform(1,100)
gen category = 1 if _n > 50
replace category = 0 if _n < 50 
replace distance = . if mod(_n, 7) == 0
replace category = . if mod(_n, 13) == 0 

I hope it will be useful for you.我希望它对你有用。

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