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Python中3D model的计算量

[英]Calculating volume of 3D model in Python

I have a nii file of a kidney which I upload in Python.我有一个肾脏的 nii 文件,我上传到 Python 中。 Is there any function in itk or vtk to calculate a volume of the kidney? itk或vtk中是否有任何function来计算肾脏的体积?

I share with you a solution with SimpleITK.我与您分享 SimpleITK 的解决方案。

You require a mask image of the kidney.您需要肾脏的蒙版图像。 The mask is a binary image with 1 values where the organ is and 0 values otherwise.掩码是一个二值图像,其中器官为 1 值,否则为 0 值。 If you don't have this already you can use 3DSlicer to segment the image, see here: 3DSlicer Segmentation .如果您还没有这个,您可以使用 3DSlicer 来分割图像,请参见此处: 3DSlicer Segmentation After this you will have a kidney_mask.nii (or nrrd, default format) file.在此之后,您将拥有一个 nucleus_mask.nii(或 nrrd,默认格式)文件。

You can use the following script to compute the volume.您可以使用以下脚本来计算音量。

# script file image_volume.py
import argparse                 # argument parser
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

def volume( mask_image ):
    # Input:
    # image = sitk.Image, mask or binary image (1 values where organ, 0 values otherwise)
    # Output:
    # vol = float, volume in mm3 
    space = mask_image.GetSpacing()         # image spacing
    voxel = np.prod(space)                  # voxel volume
    img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(mask_image)
    vol = voxel*np.sum(img)
    return vol

def main():
    # Arguments details
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute volume of a mask image')
    parser.add_argument("input", type=str, 
                        help='Input file name')

    # Parse arguments
    args = parser.parse_args()
    image_file = args.input

    # Read the image
        image = sitk.ReadImage(image_file)
        print('Unable to read input image file.')

    # Calculate the volume
    print('Volume: {:f} [mm3]'.format(volume(image)))
    print('Volume: {:f} [cm3]'.format(volume(image)/1000.0))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # execute only if run as a script

Call the script as:将脚本称为:

python image_volume.py '/path/folder/kidney_mask.nii' python image_volume.py '/path/folder/kidney_mask.nii'

Here's how you can do it in just SimpleITK (the other answer uses numpy for the voxel count)这是您可以在 SimpleITK 中执行此操作的方法(另一个答案使用 numpy 进行体素计数)

import SimpleITK as sitk

stats = sitk.StatisticsImageFilter()

# img is a SimpleITK image

# get the number of voxels with label 1
nvoxels = stats.GetCount(1)

spacing = img.GetSpacing()
voxvol = spacing[0]*spacing[1]*spacing[2]

volume = nvoxels * voxvol

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