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[英]How to center graphs in a plot in R?

I have the following figure:我有下图:


and I´d like to have the two graphs of the third line centered.我想让第三条线的两个图表居中。 I´ve trying to get it using packages like cowplot and grid_arrange from ggplot2 but with no success because they change their width to fit with the width of the other two rows (like in this example),我试图使用ggplot2中的cowplotgrid_arrange之类的包来获取它,但没有成功,因为它们改变了它们的宽度以适应其他两行的宽度(就像在这个例子中一样),


Is it possible to have the last two graphs centered without changing their width?是否可以在不改变宽度的情况下将最后两个图居中?


Not the most elegant code, but it works.不是最优雅的代码,但它可以工作。 AFAIK there is a package where you can specify for each plot the size and location, but I haven't found it. AFAIK 有一个包,您可以在其中为每个绘图指定大小和位置,但我还没有找到它。 I only used cowplot and function plot_grid我只使用cowplot和函数plot_grid

Generating plot生成情节

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- x * 2 + rnorm(100)
plt.df <- data.frame(x, y)

p     <- ggplot(plt.df, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point()

Arranging them in grids将它们排列成网格

  cowplot::plot_grid(p, p, p, p, p, p, ncol = 3, nrow = 2),
  cowplot::plot_grid(NULL, p, p, NULL, rel_widths = c(0.5, 1, 1, 0.5), nrow = 1),
  nrow = 2,
  rel_heights = c(2, 1)


I first define a grid of 6 plots as usual.我首先像往常一样定义一个由 6 个图组成的网格。 I then define a grid of 4 plots, two of them are null, and use the rel_widths parameter to determine their size.然后我定义了一个由 4 个图组成的网格,其中两个为空,并使用rel_widths参数来确定它们的大小。 To combine all of them I again invoke plot_grid , which accepts the two previous grids.为了结合所有这些,我再次调用plot_grid ,它接受前两个网格。 Now define the rel_heights parameter to make sure they are all similar in size (since there are two grids, one with twice more plots than the other, then the ratio should be 2).现在定义rel_heights参数以确保它们的大小都相似(因为有两个网格,一个比另一个多两倍的图,那么比率应该是 2)。

This can also be done in base R by specifying an appropriate matrix for layout .这也可以在基础 R 中通过为layout指定适当的矩阵来完成。

layout.m <- matrix(c(rep(1:6, each=2), 
                     0, rep(7:8, each=2), 0), 
                   nrow=3, byrow=T)     

This matrix specifies the locations of eight figures in a 3 × 6 grid layout with two cells left empty.此矩阵指定 3 × 6 网格布局中八个图形的位置,其中两个单元格留空。

#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
# [1,]    1    1    2    2    3    3
# [2,]    4    4    5    5    6    6
# [3,]    0    7    7    8    8    0

Now just set the layout and do the plotting.现在只需设置布局并进行绘图。

par(mar=c(4, 4.5, 1, .5))
x <- 1:100
for (i in 1:8) {
  y <- rnorm(100)
  plot(x, y)


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