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Microsoft Store 会自动安装 a.Net 框架吗?

[英]Does Microsoft Store automatically install a .Net framework?

I'm now using Visual Studio 2022 to recompile a DLL project for a Microsoft Store App (desktop-bridge win32).我现在使用 Visual Studio 2022 为 Microsoft Store 应用程序(桌面桥 win32)重新编译 DLL 项目。 Visual Studio while upgrading recommends me to use.Net 4.8 framework.升级时 Visual Studio 建议我使用 .Net 4.8 框架。

I'm looking at the .NET framework versions for various Windows version on this page:我正在查看此页面上各种 Windows 版本的 .NET 框架版本:

.NET Framework versions and dependencies .NET 框架版本和依赖关系

That means someone using my app on Windows 10 1803 will not have.Net framework 4.8 by default.这意味着在 Windows 10 1803 上使用我的应用程序的人默认不会拥有 .Net 框架 4.8。 So do I have to declare my min version in manifest file according to that page?那么我是否必须根据该页面在清单文件中声明我的最小版本? Or, alternatively will the Microsoft Store automatically update the.Net framework for that user before installing the App?或者,Microsoft Store 是否会在安装应用程序之前自动为该用户更新 .Net 框架?

What would be the proper recommended min version or build with a particular.Net framework strategy here?什么是适当的推荐最小版本或在这里使用特定的.Net 框架策略构建?

If I remember it correctly, when users download your app from the Microsoft Store, it will automatically download all the dependencies.如果我没记错的话,当用户从 Microsoft Store 下载您的应用程序时,它会自动下载所有依赖项。

As mentioned in this document : When the user installs your app from the Microsoft Store, it detects the dependency and ensures that the framework package is made available to the app.如本文档所述:当用户从 Microsoft Store 安装您的应用程序时,它会检测依赖关系并确保框架 package 可供应用程序使用。

If the framework package is already installed on the user's device, no further action is necessary.如果框架 package 已安装在用户设备上,则无需进一步操作。 Otherwise, the Microsoft Store triggers the installation of the framework package before proceeding with the installation for the app that uses it.否则,Microsoft Store 会在继续安装使用它的应用程序之前触发框架 package 的安装。

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