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使用 srun:如何设置节点数和核心数

[英]Using srun : how to set number of nodes and cores

I am new to using commands like srun.我不熟悉使用像 srun 这样的命令。 I want to launch a parallel job using 1 node 1cpu and 16 cores, but i dont know what i should indicate when using srun function. (1 node is composed of 2 CPUs with 18 cores on each CPU)我想使用 1 个节点 1cpu 和 16 个内核启动并行作业,但我不知道在使用 srun function 时应该指出什么。(1 个节点由 2 个 CPU 组成,每个 CPU 有 18 个内核)

Does anyone knows which parameters i should use?有谁知道我应该使用哪些参数?

To set minimums on the cpu resources lower than those available per node, you need to provide --cpus-per-task in your srun command (see https://slurm.schedmd.com/srun.html#OPT_cpus-per-task ).要将 cpu 资源的最小值设置为低于每个节点的可用资源,您需要在srun命令中提供--cpus-per-task (请参阅https://slurm.schedmd.com/srun.html#OPT_cpus-per-task ).

If you want to explicitly reserve the other 2 cores per cpu for system use, see https://slurm.schedmd.com/mc_support.html#srun_hints for usage of --cpu-bind or high level resource limits.如果您想明确保留每个 cpu 的其他 2 个内核供系统使用,请参阅https://slurm.schedmd.com/mc_support.html#srun_hints以了解--cpu-bind或高级资源限制的使用。

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