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[英]Find the data type of a structfield in dataset

I have a dataset, which has the following schema:我有一个数据集,它具有以下架构:

    0 = {StructField@21690} "StructField(col_name_1,NullType,true)"
    1 = {StructField@21691} "StructField(col_name_2,StringType,true)"
    2 = {StructField@21692} "StructField(col_name_3,ArrayType(StructType(StructField(person_name,StringType,true), StructField(person_surname,StringType,true)),true),true)"

I want to access the datatype of each StructField.我想访问每个 StructField 的数据类型。 Eg if the data type of col_name_1 is NullType print null.例如if the data type of col_name_1 is NullType print null.

How can I build this if loop?如何构建这个 if 循环?

You can pull this out of the schema:您可以将其从架构中提取出来:

 for field in df.schema.fields: print(field.name +" , "+str(field.dataType))



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