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[英]Why there is no verilog code of other module except ProgramCounter generated by chisel?

I'm writing a chisel project as follows: Chisel Project .我正在编写一个凿子项目,如下所示:凿子项目 When I tried to generate a verilog file by当我尝试通过

object Elaborate extends App {
  (new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).execute(args, Seq(chisel3.stage.ChiselGeneratorAnnotation(() =>new Top())))

and the command:和命令:

mill -i __.test.runMain Elaborate -td $(BUILD_DIR)

it generated a verilog file:它生成了一个verilog文件:

module ProgramCounter(
  input         clock,
  input         reset,
  output [63:0] io_nowAdd
  reg [63:0] _RAND_0;
  reg [63:0] cntReg; // @[ProgramCounter.scala 12:23]
  wire [63:0] _cntReg_T_2 = cntReg + 64'h4; // @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:65]
  assign io_nowAdd = cntReg; // @[ProgramCounter.scala 15:13]
  always @(posedge clock) begin
    if (reset) begin // @[ProgramCounter.scala 12:23]
      cntReg <= 64'h80000000; // @[ProgramCounter.scala 12:23]
    end else if (cntReg == 64'h8fffffff) begin // @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:16]
      cntReg <= 64'h80000000;
    end else begin
      cntReg <= _cntReg_T_2;
// Register and memory initialization
`ifndef RANDOM
`define RANDOM $random
  integer initvar;
initial begin
  `ifdef RANDOMIZE
    `ifdef INIT_RANDOM
    `ifndef VERILATOR
      `ifdef RANDOMIZE_DELAY
        #`RANDOMIZE_DELAY begin end
        #0.002 begin end
  _RAND_0 = {2{`RANDOM}};
  cntReg = _RAND_0[63:0];
  `endif // RANDOMIZE
end // initial
`endif // SYNTHESIS
module Top(
  input         clock,
  input         reset,
  output [63:0] io_pcAddr,
  input  [31:0] io_inst
  wire  PC_clock; // @[Top.scala 14:18]
  wire  PC_reset; // @[Top.scala 14:18]
  wire [63:0] PC_io_nowAdd; // @[Top.scala 14:18]
  ProgramCounter PC ( // @[Top.scala 14:18]
  assign io_pcAddr = PC_io_nowAdd; // @[Top.scala 18:13]
  assign PC_clock = clock;
  assign PC_reset = reset;

which has nothing to do with other modules except ProgramCounter .这与除ProgramCounter之外的其他模块无关。 While I checked the Top.fir file on which the verilog was based, it shows:当我检查 Verilog 所基于的Top.fir文件时,它显示:

circuit Top :
  module ProgramCounter :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : Reset
    output io : { nowAdd : UInt<64>}

    reg cntReg : UInt<64>, clock with :
      reset => (reset, UInt<64>("h80000000")) @[ProgramCounter.scala 12:23]
    node _cntReg_T = eq(cntReg, UInt<32>("h8fffffff")) @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:24]
    node _cntReg_T_1 = add(cntReg, UInt<3>("h4")) @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:65]
    node _cntReg_T_2 = tail(_cntReg_T_1, 1) @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:65]
    node _cntReg_T_3 = mux(_cntReg_T, UInt<32>("h80000000"), _cntReg_T_2) @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:16]
    cntReg <= _cntReg_T_3 @[ProgramCounter.scala 13:10]
    io.nowAdd <= cntReg @[ProgramCounter.scala 15:13]

  module Register :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : Reset
    output io : { flip src1Idx : UInt<5>, flip src2Idx : UInt<5>, src1Data : UInt<64>, src2Data : UInt<64>, flip writeEnable : UInt<1>, flip regWriteIdx : UInt<5>, flip writeDate : UInt<64>}

    wire _registerFile_WIRE : UInt<64>[32] @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[0] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[1] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[2] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[3] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[4] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[5] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[6] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[7] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[8] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[9] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[10] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[11] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[12] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[13] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[14] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[15] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[16] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[17] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[18] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[19] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[20] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[21] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[22] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[23] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[24] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[25] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[26] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[27] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[28] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[29] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[30] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    _registerFile_WIRE[31] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 25:37]
    reg registerFile : UInt<64>[32], clock with :
      reset => (reset, _registerFile_WIRE) @[Register.scala 25:29]
    registerFile[0] <= UInt<64>("h0") @[Register.scala 28:19]
    io.src1Data <= registerFile[io.src1Idx] @[Register.scala 30:15]
    io.src2Data <= registerFile[io.src2Idx] @[Register.scala 31:15]
    node _registerFile_T = neq(io.regWriteIdx, UInt<1>("h0")) @[Register.scala 33:72]
    node _registerFile_T_1 = and(io.writeEnable, _registerFile_T) @[Register.scala 33:54]
    node _registerFile_T_2 = mux(_registerFile_T_1, io.writeDate, registerFile[io.regWriteIdx]) @[Register.scala 33:38]
    registerFile[io.regWriteIdx] <= _registerFile_T_2 @[Register.scala 33:32]

  module InstructionDecoder :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : Reset
    output io : { flip inst : UInt<32>, srcRegOne : UInt<5>, srcRegTwo : UInt, distanceReg : UInt<5>}

    node _io_srcRegOne_T = bits(io.inst, 19, 15) @[InstuctionDecoder.scala 16:26]
    io.srcRegOne <= _io_srcRegOne_T @[InstuctionDecoder.scala 16:16]
    node _io_srcRegTwo_T = bits(io.inst, 31, 20) @[InstuctionDecoder.scala 17:26]
    io.srcRegTwo <= _io_srcRegTwo_T @[InstuctionDecoder.scala 17:16]
    node _io_distanceReg_T = bits(io.inst, 11, 7) @[InstuctionDecoder.scala 18:28]
    io.distanceReg <= _io_distanceReg_T @[InstuctionDecoder.scala 18:18]

  module Adder :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : Reset
    output io : { flip dataOne : UInt<64>, flip dateTwo : UInt<64>, flip subOrAdd : UInt<1>, dataOut : UInt<64>}

    node _io_dataOut_T = sub(io.dataOne, io.dateTwo) @[Adder.scala 17:45]
    node _io_dataOut_T_1 = tail(_io_dataOut_T, 1) @[Adder.scala 17:45]
    node _io_dataOut_T_2 = add(io.dataOne, io.dateTwo) @[Adder.scala 17:70]
    node _io_dataOut_T_3 = tail(_io_dataOut_T_2, 1) @[Adder.scala 17:70]
    node _io_dataOut_T_4 = mux(io.subOrAdd, _io_dataOut_T_1, _io_dataOut_T_3) @[Adder.scala 17:20]
    io.dataOut <= _io_dataOut_T_4 @[Adder.scala 17:14]

  module Top :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : UInt<1>
    output io : { pcAddr : UInt<64>, flip inst : UInt<32>}

    inst PC of ProgramCounter @[Top.scala 14:18]
    PC.clock <= clock
    PC.reset <= reset
    inst Reg of Register @[Top.scala 15:19]
    Reg.clock <= clock
    Reg.reset <= reset
    inst Decoder of InstructionDecoder @[Top.scala 16:23]
    Decoder.clock <= clock
    Decoder.reset <= reset
    inst adder of Adder @[Top.scala 17:21]
    adder.clock <= clock
    adder.reset <= reset
    io.pcAddr <= PC.io.nowAdd @[Top.scala 18:13]
    Decoder.io.inst <= io.inst @[Top.scala 19:19]
    Reg.io.regWriteIdx <= Decoder.io.distanceReg @[Top.scala 21:22]
    Reg.io.writeEnable <= UInt<1>("h1") @[Top.scala 22:22]
    Reg.io.src1Idx <= Decoder.io.srcRegOne @[Top.scala 24:18]
    Reg.io.src2Idx <= UInt<1>("h0") @[Top.scala 25:18]
    adder.io.dataOne <= Reg.io.src1Data @[Top.scala 27:20]
    adder.io.dateTwo <= Decoder.io.srcRegTwo @[Top.scala 28:20]
    Reg.io.writeDate <= adder.io.dataOut @[Top.scala 30:20]
    adder.io.subOrAdd <= UInt<1>("h0") @[Top.scala 31:21]

The other project can be seen in its content, so why did verilog file missing them?另一个项目可以在其内容中看到,那么为什么verilog文件缺少它们呢?

This happens because the externally visible behavior of your circuit does not depend on any of the other modules.发生这种情况是因为您的电路的外部可见行为不依赖于任何其他模块。 By externally visible behavior I mean the values of the toplevel output ( io_nowAdd in your case) as well as any printf or assert statements (you do not have any in your circuit).通过外部可见的行为,我的意思是顶级 output ( io_nowAdd在你的情况下)以及任何printfassert语句的值(你的电路中没有任何)。

If you want to prevent the compiler from removing such unused signals, you can use the dontTouch function on any signal you would like to retain.如果您想阻止编译器删除这些未使用的信号,您可以对您想要保留的任何信号使用dontTouch function。

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