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在OpenGL中渲染网格多边形 - 非常慢

[英]Rendering mesh polygons in OpenGL - very slow

I recently switched from intermediate mode and have a new rendering process. 我最近从中间模式切换并有一个新的渲染过程。 There must be something I am not understanding. 必须有一些我不理解的东西。 I think it has something to do with the indices. 我认为它与指数有关。

Here is my diagram: Region->Mesh->Polygon Array->3 vertex indices which references the master list of vertices. 这是我的图:Region-> Mesh-> Polygon Array-> 3个顶点索引,它们引用顶点的主列表。

Here my render code: 这是我的渲染代码:

// Render the mesh
void WLD::render(GLuint* textures, long curRegion, CFrustum cfrustum)

    int num = 0;

    // Set up rendering states

    // Set up my indices
    GLuint indices[3];

    // Cycle through the PVS
    while(num < regions[curRegion].visibility.size())
        int i = regions[curRegion].visibility[num];

        // Make sure the region is not "dead"
        if(!regions[i].dead && regions[i].meshptr != NULL)
            // Check to see if the mesh is in the frustum
            if(cfrustum.BoxInFrustum(regions[i].meshptr->min[0], regions[i].meshptr->min[2], regions[i].meshptr->min[1], regions[i].meshptr->max[0], regions[i].meshptr->max[2], regions[i].meshptr->max[1]))
                // Cycle through every polygon in the mesh and render it
                for(int j = 0; j < regions[i].meshptr->polygonCount; j++)
                    // Assign the index for the polygon to the index in the huge vertex array
                    // This I think, is redundant
                    indices[0] = regions[i].meshptr->poly[j].vertIndex[0];
                    indices[1] = regions[i].meshptr->poly[j].vertIndex[1];
                    indices[2] = regions[i].meshptr->poly[j].vertIndex[2];

                    // Enable texturing and bind the appropriate texture
                    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[regions[i].meshptr->poly[j].tex]);

                    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), &vertices[0].x);

                    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), &vertices[0].u);

                    // Draw
                    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices);

    // End of rendering - disable states

Sorry if I left anything out. 对不起,如果我遗漏了什么。 And I really appreciate feedback and help with this. 我非常感谢您的反馈和帮助。 I would even consider paying someone who is good with OpenGL and optimization to help me with this. 我甚至会考虑付给那些擅长OpenGL和优化的人来帮助我。

There is no point in using array rendering if you're only rendering 3 vertices at a time. 如果您一次只渲染3个顶点,则使用数组渲染没有意义。 The idea is to send thousands through with a single call. 这个想法是通过一次通话发送数千个 That is, you render a single "Polygon Array" or "Mesh" with one call. 也就是说,通过一次调用渲染单个“多边形阵列”或“网格”。

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