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“预测”包版本3.22 Auto.arima将在R中进行预测,且超过一个季节性周期

[英]‘forecast’ package version 3.22 Auto.arima to forecast in R, more than one sea­sonal period

I am using ARIMA with a seasonal period a "week" that has 672 measurements like follows: 我正在使用ARIMA,其季节性周期为“周”,其具有672个测量值,如下所示:

Week_freq<-day_freq*7 #672
## Weekly seasonality
F.Xreg <- fourier(NEW.xx,24)
fit <-auto.arima(NEW.xx, D=0, max.P=0, max.Q=0, xreg=F.Xreg)
##new xreg fourierf
forecast(fit, h=3000, xreg=FForecast, level=0)

How can I combine this two seasonalities and use a dayly seasonality "96" in the same time as a Week seasonality together? 如何将这两个季节组合在一起,并与“周”季节同时使用每日“ 96”?

First, ARIMA models do not handle large seasonal periods very well. 首先,ARIMA模型无法很好地处理大型季节性季节。 Second, R does not allow for multiple seasonal periods in an ARIMA model. 其次,R在ARIMA模型中不允许有多个季节周期。 I suggest you use the tbats() function in the forecast package which handles long seasonal periods and multiple seasonality. 我建议您在预测包中使用tbats()函数,该函数可以处理较长的季节性周期和多个季节性。

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