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remove value from localstorage javascript

I'm trying to remove item from localStorage in javasscript but it doesn't work.

It only works manually for the sequence of the following events

Right click --> Inspect element --> Resources --> localStorage --> Right click --> Delete 

I tried:



localStorage.removeItem(key); // the key is the link of the page and 
                              // the value is the selected word in the page 

and both didn't work, I can save item using localStorage.setItem(key, vaule) and get items from localStorage using localStorage.getItem(key) but I can't remove them.

what your looking for is this:

deleter void removeItem(DOMString key);

You could implement this like so:


Everything about local storage can be found here on the W3 html5 spec for web storage.

You may find this document more helpful as it goes into more explanation.

*Local storage is not a finished spec and these could change.


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