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Node.js mysql query syntax issues UPDATE WHERE

I trying to update some info in MYSQL DB, but I'm not sure of how to do it with in node.js. This is the mysql driver I'm using https://github.com/felixge/node-mysql

What I have so far

connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserID = ?', [userId], function(err, results) {
if (results[0]) {
if (results[0].Name!=name) {
connection.query('UPDATE users SET ? WHERE UserID = ?', [userId], {Name: name});

Everything works except...

connection.query('UPDATE users SET ? WHERE UserID = ?', [userId], {Name: name});

In PHP I would have this...

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET Name='".$_GET["name"]."' WHERE UserID='".$row['UserID']."'");

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, But I'm positive that the issue is here

connection.query('UPDATE users SET ? WHERE UserID = ?', [userId], {Name: name});

The answer by ruakh isn't entirely correct, you can use the SET ? feature with another ? .

The syntax is:

connection.query('UPDATE users SET ? WHERE UserID = ?', [{ Name: name }, userId])

[ Note (added 2016-04-29): This answer was accepted, but it turns out that there is a reasonable way to use SET ? . For details, see Bala Clark's answer on this same page. —ruakh ]

From the code for Connection.prototype.query() and Connection.createQuery() , it's clear that you can only pass in a single values object. I don't see where the code for the special SET ? behavior is defined — it's clearly not in SqlString.formatQuery() — but if it uses SqlString.objectToValues() , then I guess there's no way to use it together with another ? .

I think the best approach is to just dispense with the neat SET ? feature, and write either of these:

connection.query('UPDATE users SET Name = ? WHERE UserID = ?', [name, userId])
connection.query('UPDATE users SET Name = :Name WHERE UserID = :UserID',
                     {UserID: userId, Name: name})

but if you really want to use SET ? , I suppose you could write this:

connection.query('UPDATE users SET ? WHERE UserID = :UserID',
                     {UserID: userId, Name: name})

which would update both UserID and Name ; unless you have a trigger, this should be OK, in that it's updating UserID to the value it already had anyway. But it's kind of disconcerting, and I don't recommend it.


connection.query('UPDATE user SET ? WHERE ?', [{ Name: name }, { UserId: userId }])

This is what worked for me

 var records = 

    //var sql="UPDATE `flavica_user` SET ? WHERE ?";
    //this sql updates flavica_user





let query_1 =  `UPDATE reindexing_status SET success="Failure" where status="In Progress"`;
await updateValues(db_connection,query_1);
if(lambdaInvokeStatusCode === 200)

   let query_1 =  `UPDATE reindexing_status SET success="Success" where status="In Progress"`;
   await updateValues(db_connection,query_1);
   let query_2 =  `UPDATE reindexing_status SET end_time='${indexedAt}' where status="In Progress"`;
   await updateValues(db_connection,query_2);
   let query_3 =  `UPDATE reindexing_status SET status="Complete" where status="In Progress"`;
   await updateValues(db_connection,query_3);


async function updateValues(db_connection,sql) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    db_connection.query(sql, function (err, result) {
        if (err) {
        else {
            console.log("RDS Updated Successfully",result );
            resolve("RDS URL Column: " + JSON.stringify(result));

there is a syntax error in your query the query should look like connection.query('UPDATE users SET Column_name =? WHERE UserID =?', [update_Value, userId], {Name: name});

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