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What is the correct syntax to call a stored procedured from within a stored procedure using a condition in SQL Server

I'm making a mess of the condition statement while calling a stored procedure from within a stored procedure. Can anyone help me out?

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Leaderboard] 

    @CompetitionId INTEGER


    DECLARE @Competition TABLE
    (CompId INTEGER,
    CompFormat NVARCHAR(10)
    INSERT INTO @Competition
    SELECT CompetitionId, CompetitionFormatType
    FROM dbo.Competitions 
LEFT JOIN dbo.CompetitionFormat ON dbo.Competitions.CompetitionFormatId = dbo.CompetitionFormat.CompetitionFormatId
    WHERE CompetitionId = @CompetitionId

    CASE WHEN @Competition.CompFormat = "Strokes" THEN EXEC [dbo].[sp_Strokes] ELSE EXEC [dbo].[sp_Stableford]

In addition something I know I have not catered for in my code is that I need to also take the parameter @CompetitionId into which ever procedure I go to.

Why not just use an IF statement?

IF (SELECT TOP 1 CompFormat FROM @Competition) = 'Strokes'
       EXEC [dbo].[sp_Strokes] @CompetitionId 
       EXEC [dbo].[sp_Stableford] @CompetitionId 

You can do what you want and eliminate the table variable at the same time. Try this:

DECLARE @CompFormat varchar(50)

SELECT @CompFormat = CompetitionFormatType
FROM dbo.Competitions 
LEFT JOIN dbo.CompetitionFormat 
    ON dbo.Competitions.CompetitionFormatId = dbo.CompetitionFormat.CompetitionFormatId
WHERE CompetitionId = @CompetitionId

IF @CompFormat = 'Strokes'
    EXEC [dbo].[sp_Strokes] @CompetitionId
    EXEC [dbo].[sp_Stableford] @CompetitionId

Or perhaps you should create a new stored procedure that takes the @Competition.CompFormat as a parameter, and then inside it, use an IF-statement to decide from which table to query.

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