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Make HTTP Request from Verilog

是否可以调用在Verilog模块内部发出HTTP请求的C / C ++ / Python / Java函数?

Yes, do some searching for 'DPI' or 'PLI'. If you have a SystemVerilog capable simulator the DPI solution is a lot less overhead. Basically the Verilog end of it will be:

import "DPI" function void do_http(...)

Where you can then call do_http within your Verilog like a normal task or function and you pass the .c file that implements do_http on the command line along with the rest of your sources. This of course is assuming that you're using a commercial Verilog simulator. I don't think Icarus supports DPI yet (could be wrong).

Using VPI is a more portable but takes significantly more coding to put together. I encourage you to research that one on your own if that's what you need.

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