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get a String from a match on ruby

I have this string:

"A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama"

A regular expression:


The required result is:


The problem: I cant get a string of that result. This is my code:

def palindromo(s)  #s is a string

  num_expr = /[^[^\w*]]/
  m = s.match(num_expr)
  unless m
    puts "no hubo concordancia"
  print "El string de la busqueda es: " 
  puts m.string   # string donde se efectúa la búsqueda 
  print "La parte del string que concuerda con la busqueda es: " 

  puts m

The code gives me this result: "A" , and i want get this string: "AmanaplanacanalPanama"

"A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama".gsub( /[^\w]/, "" ) == "AmanaplanacanalPanama"
# => true
puts "El string de la busqueda es: #{s}"
puts s[/\W/] ? "La parte del string que concuerda con la busqueda es: #{s.gsub( /[^\w]/, "" ) }" : "no hubo concordancia"

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