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How is std::advance implemented to change behavior on iterator type?

What we know about std::advance is the following:

template <class InputIterator, class Distance>
void advance (InputIterator& i, Distance n);


Advances the iterator i by n elements.

If i is a Random Access Iterator, the function uses once operator+ or operator- , otherwise, the function uses repeatedly the increase or decrease operator ( operator++ or operator-- ) until n elements have been advanced.

My question is the following: How is std::advance implemented such that it recognizes if it is a Random Access Iterator or not? How does it know it can use operator+ instead of operator++ ?

Through iterator_traits and tag dispatch :

template<class InputIterator, class Distance>
void advance_impl(InputIterator& i, Distance n, std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
  i += n;

template<class InputIterator, class Distance>
void advance_impl(InputIterator& i, Distance n, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
  if (n < 0) {
    while (n++) --i;
  } else {
    while (n--) ++i;

template<class InputIterator, class Distance>
void advance_impl(InputIterator& i, Distance n, std::input_iterator_tag) {
  assert(n >= 0);
  while (n--) ++i;

template<class InputIterator, class Distance>
void advance (InputIterator& i, Distance n) {
  advance_impl(i, n,
    typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category());

Note that iterator_category is a type (one of std::input_iterator_tag etc.), so iterator_category() is not a function call; it's an expression that constructs a temporary prvalue of that type. The appropriate overload of advance_impl is then selected by normal overload resolution. This is called tag dispatch . Equivalently one could write:

template<class InputIterator, class Distance>
void advance (InputIterator& i, Distance n) {
  typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::iterator_category the_tag;
  advance_impl(i, n, the_tag);

The overloads of advance_impl are receiving as their third argument an unnamed argument that is an instance of their chosen tag type.

I would imagine it may use std::iterator_traits::iterator_category to figure out what the type of the iterator is.

Based on that, it can decide how to advance things.

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