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Cannot return correct result from SQL query in PHP

I have created a table and there are some data inside

however, by using the following link, i always get the result of {"flag":"0","msg":"Incorrect id."}, no matter the id is correct or not

i wondering where the problems happen? thanks


    <?php session_start();

 //Connect to database from here
    $link = mysql_connect('****', '****', '****'); 
    if (!$link) {
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    //select the database | Change the name of database from here

//get the posted values

//now validating the username and password
$sql="SELECT user_name, password FROM tbl_user WHERE user_name='".$user_name."'";

printf("Select returned %d rows from tbl_user.\n", $result->num_rows);

//if username exists
    //compare the password
        // Return success message
        $message = array("flag" => "1", "msg" => "Login successfully.");
        echo json_encode($message);
         //Regenerate session ID to prevent session fixation attacks

        //now set the session from here if needed
        //$name_show=$member['first_name'].' '.$member['last_name'];
            //Write session to disc

        // Return error message
        $message = array("flag" => "0", "msg" => "Incorrect password.");
        echo json_encode($message);
else    //if username not exists
{       // Return error message
        $message = array("flag" => "0", "msg" => "Incorrect id.");
        echo json_encode($message);

It seems

$sql="SELECT user_name, password FROM tbl_user WHERE user_name='".$user_name."'";

result is 0 if you don't get any db connection error. Try to print $user_name to see if it is in your DB table first.

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