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Removing regular expression from string

I have the following string:


I'd like to remove the */ part at the end of it. In this case this is something/ . How can I achive that with java?

try this

str =    str.replaceAll("[^/]*/$","");

didn't test, should work.

You don't need regex to do this, below is a non-regex solution using String manipulation methods:

    String s = "/home/user/Documents/something/";
    String sub =s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf("/"));

You can use the following code. It will remove the last past from your String :

        String str = "/home/user/Documents/something/";

    Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile("(/.+?/)(\\w+?/$)");
    Matcher matcher1 = pattern1.matcher(str);

    while (matcher1.find()) {

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