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Optimize floating-point calculations

I have a task to make the following function as precise (the speed is not the aim) as possible. I have to use float and the method of middle rectangles . Could you suggest something? Actually, I think, it's all about minimization of float rounding errors. That's what I've done:

typedef float T;

T integrate(T left, T right, long N, T (*func)(T)) {
    long i = 0;
    T result = 0.0;
    T interval = right - left;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        result += func(left + interval * (i + 0.5) / N) * interval / N;
    return result;

I have a task to make the following function as precise as possible

You say that you have to use float , so I assume the question isn't about rounding, but rather about computing the integral more accurately.

I also assume that simply increasing N is not an option.

Instead of using the mid-point rule, my suggestion is to consider using a higher-order quadrature rule (trapezoid, Simpson's etc) .

There are lots of ways you could avoid or compensate for floating-point rounding (MM's suggestion, using Kahan summation, etc...). However, there's no reason to do so, because the rounding errors are absolutely dwarfed by the error of the integration scheme; you won't get a more accurate integral, you'll get a more accurate approximation of the incorrect result computed by the midpoint rule. Any such effort is entirely wasted except in extremely specialized circumstances.

Try this:

   long i = 0;
   T result = 0.0;
   T interval = right - left;
   for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
       result += func(left + interval * (i + 0.5) / N);
   return result * interval / N;

If you want to compute an integral precisely, go read up on integration schemes. Some home-knit routine won't give any kind of precision

The book "Numerical recipes" (there are several versions, one for C) is highly regarded. Haven't looked at it personally.

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