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php registration form

HI all i am trying to insert some values into database using html form, its giving me the error of Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 which i dont understand, ia new to php plz can anyone help me? Regards

php code


      $userName = $_POST["userName"];
      $FirstName =$_POST["FirstName"];
      $LastName =$_POST["LastName"];
  $stnumber = $_Post["ID"];
  $class = $_POST["class"];
  $subject = $_POST["subject"];
  $grade = $_POST["grade"];
  $password = $_POST["password"];

} else{

    echo("wronggggggg nameeeeeeeeeeeee");

$stnumber = mysql_escape_string ("ID");
$userName = mysql_escape_string ("userName");
$password = mysql_escape_string ("password");
$FirstName = mysql_escape_string ("FirstName");
$LastName = mysql_escape_string ("LastName");
$class = mysql_escape_string ("class");
$subject = mysql_escape_string ("subject");
$grade = mysql_escape_string ("grade");

mysql_query ("INSERT INTO LOGIN
 VALUES ('$stnumber','$userName','$password','$FirstName','$LastName','$stnumber','$class','$subject','$grade')") or die(mysql_error());

 $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM LOGIN WHERE userName ='$userName'");
//$row = mysql_query($sqlUser);
//$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);

if(mysql_num_rows ($sql)> 0){
    echo   ("Upload sucessful");
    } else
    echo("Upload fail");


Try This Code

$insert_qry = mysql_query("INSERT INTO LOGIN ( ID , userName , password , FirstName , LastName , class , subject , grade ) VALUES ('".$stnumber."','".$userName."','".$password."','".$FirstName."','".$LastName."','".$class."','".$subject."','".$grade."')") or die(mysql_error());

Check how many columns are in your table. It should be the exact number as how many you're inserting, ie, 9 (minus any autoincrement).

You either have to specify the fields that are to be used for the INSERT , or correctly insert data to ALL of them.

I suggest that you try editing your query as follows (I have rather assumed the names of your fields):

(`stnumber`, `username`, `password`, `forename`, `surname`, `stnumber`, `class`, `subject`, `grade`)

It's worth noting however that you're using a deprecated set of functions. You should investigate the use of MySQLi or PDO for better performance and longevity.

In this line:

mysql_query ("INSERT INTO LOGIN
VALUES ('$stnumber','$userName','$password','$FirstName','$LastName','$stnumber','$class','$subject','$grade')") or die(mysql_error());

You are using $stnumber twice, I don't know if this is intended, but I'm guessing this probably added an extra value which shouldn't be there.

I find it best to include the column names in the INSERT statement to explicitly define which values are being inserted into which column. For example:

INSERT INTO `table` ( `column_1`, `column_2` )
VALUES ( 'value_1', 'value_2' );

You may also consider reviewing PHP PDO as it is a much safer alternative to mysql_query calls, which as of v5.5.0, will be deprecated.

If you provide your table structure, we may be able to identify exactly which columns are missing/extra from your INSERT statement.

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