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Get C++ wchar_t into Flash, via Lua

I am currently working on an application in C++, that ties into Lua, that ties into Flash (in that order). My goal at the moment is getting wchar_t s from C++ into Flash, via Lua. I would love any insights as to how I can accomplish this!

If any other information is required, please ask and I'll do my best to provide it

What I have tried

It's my understanding that Lua is not a fan of Unicode, but it should still be able to receive the string of bytes from my C++ application. I imagine there must be a way to then pass those bytes over to Flash to then render out my intended Unicode. So what I've done so far:


//an example wchar_t*
const wchar_t *text = L"Test!";

//this function pushes a char* to my Lua code
lua.PushString((char*)text); //directly casting text to a char*... D:


theString = FunctionThatGetsWCharFromCpp();


function ShowString(theString:String)
    myTextField.text = theString;

Now the outcome here is that myTextField only shows "T". This made sense to me. The cast from wchar_t to char would end up padding out the char s with some zeros, especially since "T" doesn't really utilize both bytes of a wchar_t . A quick look at the documentation yields:


The string cannot contain embedded zeros; it is assumed to end at the first zero.

So I ran a little test:


//prefixing with a Japanese character 
//which will use both bytes of the wchar_t
const wchar_t *text = L"たTest!";

The Flash textbox now reads: "_0T", 3 characters. Makes total sense, the 2 bytes of the Japanese character + T, then termination.

I understand what is going on, but I am still completely unsure of how to tackle this problem. And I'm really unsure of what to search for. Is there a specific Lua function I can use to pass a wad of bytes over to Lua from C++ (I've read somewhere that lua_pushlstring is often used for this, but that also terminates at first zero)? Is there a Flash datatype that will accept these bytes, then I'll need to do some sort of conversion to get them into a readable, multibyte string? or is this just really not possible?

I'm not too familiar with Unicode and code pages and whatnot, so I'm not too sure if there'll also be a step where I'll need to specify the correct encoding in Flash so that I can get the correct output - but I'm happy to cross that bridge when I get there, but if anyone has any insight here too, that would be great!

I don't know if this will work, but I'd recommend trying to use UTF-8 . A string encoded in UTF-8 doesn't have any embedded zeros in it, so Lua should be able handle it, and Flash ought to also be able to handle it, depending on how exactly the languages interface.

Here's one way to convert a wide-character string to UTF-8 using setlocale(3) wcstombs(3) :

// Error checking omitted for expository purposes

// Call this once at program startup.  If you'd rather not change the locale,
// you can instead write your own conversion routine (but beware of UTF-16
// surrogate pairs if you do)
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");

// Do this for each string you want to convert
const wchar_t *wideString = L"たTest!";
size_t len = wcslen(wideString);
size_t maxUtf8len = 4 * len + 1;  // Each wchar_t encodes to a max of 4 bytes
char *utf8String = new char[maxUtf8len];
wcstombs(utf8String, wideString, maxUtf8len);
// Do stuff with utf8string
delete [] utf8String;

If you're on Windows, you can instead use the WideCharToMultiByte function with the CP_UTF8 code page to do the conversion, since I don't believe that the Visual Studio C runtime supports UTF-8 locales:

// Error checking omitted for expository purposes
const wchar_t *wideString = L"たTest!";
size_t len = wcslen(wideString);
size_t maxUtf8len = 4 * len + 1;  // Each wchar_t encodes to a max of 4 bytes
char *utf8String = new char[maxUtf8len];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wideString, len + 1, utf8String, maxUtf8len, NULL, NULL);
// Do stuff with utf8string
delete [] utf8String;

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