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how to prevent special characters at generating a token in c#

i generate a token which converts the datetime in bytes. Here is how i generate the token:

public string generateToken()
        byte[] time = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary());
        byte[] key = new Guid().ToByteArray();
        string token = Convert.ToBase64String(time.Concat(key).ToArray());
        return token;

This is how it looks like when the token is generated:


but on some days it generates special characters,too. like in this example:


i parse the result in a link to redirect to another page


with the special characters it looks like this:


and this doesnt work.

is it possible to generate a token but without special characters?

This is how Base64 is defined:

The base-64 digits in ascending order from zero are the uppercase characters "A" to "Z", the lowercase characters "a" to "z", the numerals "0" to "9", and the symbols "+" and "/". The valueless character, "=", is used for trailing padding.

So you can't use Convert.ToBase64String if you don't want / character to appear in your token.

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