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How to concatenate a byte array into an existing one inside a Database

I have some LinqToSQL objects. One of those has a 'Binary' column, I think it's VarBinary(max) on SQL.

Every now and then I need to add/concatenate a byte array into that column for a certain row. This is how I do it:

void StoreBytesInDb(IEnumerable<byte> bytesToStore)
        using (var dataBaseContext = new MyDataClasses(DatabaseInfo.ConnectionString))
            if (this.currentObjectId == -1)
                this.currentSavedBytes = new List<byte>();

            this.CurrentObject = dataBaseContext.Objects.Single(e => e.Id_Object == this.currentObjectId);

            this.CurrentObject.Bytes_Data = this.currentSavedBytes.ToArray();


So, as you can see:

  1. I use Linq to "AddRange" into the saved bytes (in the heap).
  2. Then I put it into the right column in the object.
  3. Submit Changes.

At low speeds it works.

The problem appears when I speed it up to several times per second. Sometimes it throws a 'System.ArgumentException' saying: "An item with the same key has already been added." The exact line that throws the exception is:

this.CurrentObject.Bytes_Data = currentSavedBytes.ToArray();

Any tips on how to improve this?

If it's larger byte data you're dealing with - maybe move it out of Db , keep a ref onto File System - and append there - which is better.

On the other thing - just an idea...

currentSavedBytes - why you keep that as a member? may be a concurency issue (if sharing) - try moving that in the scope of the method.

None of this is optimal.

  1. You should not store big files in the database
  2. Linq 2 Sql is not optimized to do it
  3. Also, it~s not a good idea to handle files all at once in memory - they might be big and you get and OOM exception

I would suggest you to:

  1. Save the files somewhere else like @NSGaga said in his comment
  2. If you must save in the database at least use a FileStream column (which is pretty much saving into the database disk).
  3. Do it like explained in this article so you are able to append to the file

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