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Java String.split(regex) not working

I want to split a string each time there's a | in it, but the split method only accepts a regex. The regex | splits the string after each letter, which is not what I want. Using \| does the same thing too.

I tried using \\| , but that just gives me: Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are \\b \\t \\n \\f \\r \\" \\' \\\\ ) .

You need to do something like this:


The reason is that in regular expression in order for "|" to be considered as "|" and not as a regex operator you need the "\\". But in java you can't just write "\\" in a string because that's a save operator in a string. So you have to do \\\\ . Hope that explains it.


Escape the backslash. You are in a Java string, and it should contain a literal backslash.


Works for me:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Testing {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String word= "abc|def";
        String[] splitted = word.split("\\|");
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(splitted)); /* prints: [abc, def] */

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