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refresh Json Partial View

I would like to refresh Json Partial View. I am trying use this:

$('#example123').load('@Url.Action("Rejestracja", "Logowanie")');

but doesn't work correct.

            url: '@Url.Action("Rejestracja", "Logowanie")',
            dataType: "json",
            type: "POST",
            async: false,
            error: function () {
            success: function (data) {
                if (data.Success) {

                    var el1 = $('<div><strong style="color: black" id="example123">' + data.View + '</strong></div>');
                            modal: true,
                            title: '<div></div>',
                            minWidth: 340,
                            minHeight: 300,
                            buttons: {
                                'Zamknij': function () {
                                    $('#example123').load('@Url.Action("Rejestracja", "Logowanie")');



JSON Partial View

        public JsonResult Rejestracja()
            bool dataCahnged = true;
            var model = new Logowanie();
            object view = this.RenderPartialViewToString("Rejestracja", model);
            return Json(new { Success = true, dataCahnged, View = view });

(this work only first time)

<script type="text/javascript">


Example (this work only first time)

<div id="ex"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

Any reason in particular why you're calling the ajax using "POST"?, you're not sending any information to the server, so this is the first thing that I would change. Try changing this to GET.

In second place, try to change your method to get your view html to return a string. I'm using this extension method and it works just fine:

public static class JsonHelper
    public static string RenderPartialView(this Controller controller, string viewName, object model)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName))
            viewName = controller.ControllerContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");

        controller.ViewData.Model = model;
        using (var sw = new StringWriter())
            ViewEngineResult viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controller.ControllerContext, viewName);
            var viewContext = new ViewContext(controller.ControllerContext, viewResult.View, controller.ViewData, controller.TempData, sw);
            viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw);

            return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

And here's an example about how to use it:

 public ActionResult GetClientList()
     List<ClientModel> clientList = ClientRepository.GetClients();
     return Json(new JsonMixedResult { Result = "success", ViewHtml = this.RenderPartialView("ClientList", clientList) }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Finally, check the final parameter on the return Json statement. That allows your client code to access the returned data from you Controller. In this case, is a Json object that includes your view html.

Hope this helps

I don't see why you just don't return PartialView??? I mean your Json result returns your partial view with 2 additional properties indicating success and that data has changed I guess but those two look pointless to me. Why don't you just do this in your action:

public PartialViewResult Rejestracja()
    var model = new Logowanie();
    return PartialView("Rejestracja", model);

and then your ajax call would look like this:

    url: '@Url.Content("~/Logowanie/Rejestracja")',
    dataType: "html",
    type: "GET",
    error: function () {
       // Handle errors here...    
    success: function (html) {

this way the entire partial view will be placed in the div of your choice on the page...

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