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Deleting everything except last part of a String?

What kind of method would I use to make this:



file1.zip ?

String yourString = "http://www.site.net/files/file1.zip";  
int index = yourString.lastIndexOf('/');    
String targetString = yourString.substring(index + 1);  
System.out.println(targetString);// file1.zip
String str = "http://www.site.net/files/file1.zip";
        str = str.substring(str.lastIndexOf("/")+1);

You could use regex to extract the last part:

public void extractFileNameFromUrl() {
    final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[\\w+.]*$").matcher("http://www.site.net/files/file1.zip");
    Assert.assertEquals("file1.zip", matcher.find() ? matcher.group(0) : null);

It'll return only "file1.zip". Included here as a test as I used it to validate the code.

Use split:

String[] arr = "http://www.site.net/files/file1.zip".split("/");


String lastPart = arr[arr.length-1];

Update: Another simpler way to get this:

File file = new File("http://www.site.net/files/file1.zip");
System.out.printf("Path: [%s]%n", file.getName()); // file1.zip

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