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Select rows where column name not equals multiple values

I'm creating friend system,where users able to add as friend,accept friend request etc....

Table Structure

accepted(int 1)

Working functions

Friend request
Accept friend request
Display all friends..

Not Working functions

  • Delete friends
  • Cancel Friend request
  • check friend exits

Now i'm try to delete users as follow method

  • check user id and friend_id available row
  • get auto increment
  • use auto increment to run delete query

But my problem is any method available to check user id and friend_id available row ??

sample date in table row


i couldn't use where in because filed name are different

Any help

Mayby just try with:

  FROM table
 WHERE ( ( user_id = 4 AND friend_id = 5 ) OR
         ( user_id = 5 AND friend_id = 4 ) )              
   AND accepted = 1

If it returns one row, there is friendship, otherwise, they are not friends.

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE !(ISNULL([columnname]));

TRy this place your query and additional condition

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