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Parent directory in Excel (no VBA)

How do I set a cell's value to the parent of the directory the file is in?

I've got a tedious and repetitious task ahead of me, and I'm trying to automate as much of this as possible—but VBA isn't allowed.

I'm going to have a directory tree of Excel spreadsheets, looking something like this:


I need a formula which will extract the parent directory, eg , Parent1 or Parent4 in this example.

[ Note : The file and directory names do not follow any particular convention; suggestions to look for numbers will match this anonymized example but won't help me. ]


I have found elsewhere on the 'net the following formulae, which I've needed as well and which might point to the solution.

  • The current sheet name:
    = RIGHT(CELL("filename",A1), LEN(CELL("filename",A1)) - FIND("]", CELL("filename",A1)))

  • The current file name:
    = MID(CELL("filename",A1), FIND("[", CELL("filename",A1)) + 1, FIND(".", CELL("filename",A1)) - (FIND("[", CELL("filename",A1)) + 1))

  • The current directory name (from MrExcel.com ):
    = TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(CELL("filename",A1), FIND("[", CELL("filename",A1), 1) - 2), "\\", REPT(" ",100)), 100))
    The poster explained his method thus:

    It works by getting the DIR and replacing all "\\" with 100 spaces. It then grabs the right 100 chars which will be a bunch of spaces and the final DIR name then it trims off the preceding spaces.

This last feels like it should be adaptable to extracting the parent directory, but I haven't figured out how to write this adaptation.

Try this. It goes unsaid that this formula will only work in a saved file.

=TRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(CELL("filename",A1), FIND("[", CELL("filename",A1), 1) - 2),"\\",REPT(" ",100)),200),100))

Screenshot :



To find a string between two characters, use this. (Finding between say "\\")

=TRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"\",REPT(" ",100)),200),100))

The below gives the full path

=LEFT(CELL("filename",A1), FIND("[", CELL("filename",A1), 1) - 2)

For example: C:\\Temp\\Folder 1

So just insert the second one in the first formula

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