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Trouble Compiling glsl Shader, #version must occur first error

I am following the WikiBooks OpenGL Tutorial # 2

I can't get my shader to compile, it says #version must occur first.

Here is the main.cpp code: https://gitorious.org/wikibooks-opengl/modern-tutorials/blobs/master/tut02_clean/triangle.cpp

Here is the shader utility code: https://gitorious.org/wikibooks-opengl/modern-tutorials/blobs/master/common/shader_utils.cpp

Here is the vertex shader that is causing the error: https://gitorious.org/wikibooks-opengl/modern-tutorials/blobs/master/tut02_clean/triangle.v.glsl

I can't seem to figure out why I'm getting this error, because in the shader #version is first.

Are you sure that the error is showing up in reading and creating a shader? I ask because you have an error in main.cpp. You set compile_ok to GL_FALSE , then never assign to it again, then check it and exit if it's GL_FALSE . So you're guaranteed to always exit and print "Error in fragment shader".

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