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Behavior of method overloading with varargs

I have two overloaded methods with varargs int and long. When I run a test passing integer it seems to prefer the varargs long method. Whereas, if I make the methods static and run with an integer it seems to prefer the varargs int method. What's going on here?

void varargs(int... i){

    System.out.println("Inside int varargs");
    for(int x : i)

void varagrs(long... l){

    System.out.println("Inside long varargs");
    for(long x : l)

static void staticvarargs(int...i)
    System.out.println("Inside static int varargs");
    for(int x : i)

static void staticvarargs(long...l)
    System.out.println("Inside static long varargs");
    for(long x : l)

public static void main(String args[]){
    VarArgs va = new VarArgs();


Inside long varargs 1

Inside static int varargs 1

EDIT: I should've chosen better method names. There was a typo varargs, varagrs. Thanks zhong.j.yu for pointing that out.

Corrected code and expected behavior:

void varargs(int... i){

    System.out.println("Inside int varargs");
    for(int x : i)

void varargs(long... l){

    System.out.println("Inside long varargs");
    for(long x : l)

static void staticvarargs(int...i)
    System.out.println("Inside static int varargs");
    for(int x : i)

static void staticvarargs(long...l)
    System.out.println("Inside static long varargs");
    for(long x : l)

public static void main(String args[]){
    VarArgs va = new VarArgs();


Inside int varargs 1

Inside static int varargs 1

It's a typo

void varagrs(long... l){

That's why it's nice to have an IDE with spell checking (eg IntelliJ)

After fixing the typo, the compiler chooses (int...) over (long...) because int is a subtype of long (4.10.1) , so the 1st method is more specific ( . Note though int[] is not a subtype of long[] (4.10.3) .

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