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Best practice TDD - Java Object Validation and clean code

Suppose a Java class called Car , whose objects are initialized through a static factory:

public class Car {

    private String name;

    private Car(String name){//...}

    public static Car createCar(String name){
        //mechanism to validate the car attributes
        return new Car(name);

Of course, I want to extract Validation process into a dedicated class named CarValidator .

There are two ways of providing this validator to the factory:

Not stubbable/mockable validator :

public static Car createCar(String name){
     new CarValidator(name); // throw exception for instance if invalid cases
     return new Car(name);

Stubbable/mockable validator:

public static Car createCar(CarValidator carValidator, String name){ //ideally being an interface instead
    return new Car(name);

It look likes a redundancy here: CarValidator already contains name value since it stores Car parameters as its own fields (a priori cleanest way), thus we could bypass the second argument like this:

public static Car createCar(CarValidator carValidator){ 
     return new Car(carValidator.getName());

However, this looks unclear... why would a Car find its values from a Validator => no sense.

So, we could refactorate like this:

public static Car createCar(CarValidator carValidator, String name){ 
                        carValidator.validate(name); // throwing exception for instance if invalid cases
                        return new Car(carValidator.name());

Sounds pretty less weird, but CarValidator looses the benefit from creating fields rather than passing arguments to each of its necessary private methods like:

private checkForCarName(String name); 

Which method should I choose?

My proposition is following: I would not mix validation of domain object with the object itself.

It would be a lot more cleaner if domain object would assume that the data passed to it are valid, and validation should be performed somewhere else (eg in a factory, but not necessary).

In that "factory" you would perform data preparation state (validation, vulnerability removal etc.) and then you would create a new object.

You will be able to test the factory (if it is validating properly) and not the domain object itself.

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