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Clean code - best way to compact code in Java

I have code that looks like this:

    for(int i=0; i < a; i++){
        List<Integer> list = elementA.get(i);
        SomeClass rg = new SomeClass(list, a, methodA(i));
        int result = rg.generate();
        var+=methodA2(i, result);
    for(int i=0; i < b; i++){
        List<Integer> list = elementB.get(i);
        SomeClass rg = new SomeClass(list, b, methodB(i));
        int result = rg.generate();
        var+=methodB2(i, result);

How can I avoid this code repetition? I can create function which does that, but what to do with this different methods?

With Java < 8 you can create an interface (note that there already is an IntFunction interface in Java 8):

interface IntFunction<A> { A apply (int i); }

m(elementA, a, new IntFunction<A> () { public A apply(int i) { methodA(i); } });

And your method would look like:

private void m(Collection<List<Integer>> element, int a, IntFunction<A> f) {
    for(int i=0; i < a; i++){
        List<Integer> list = element.get(i);
        SomeClass rg = new SomeClass(list, a, f.apply(i));
        int result = rg.generate();

(I have omitted the methodA2 for conciseness: you would need a second interface that has an apply(int, int) )

That is quite verbose and the benefit is not obvious vs. repetition.

With Java 8 it becomes cleaner:

m(elementA, a, i -> methodA(i));
m(elementA, a, this::methodA);
  • Define a method that receives your List<List<Integer>> as argument that returns the desired data.
  • Define an interface that will hold the generic methods like method , method2 (based from your code).

For example:

public long yourFooMethod(List<List<Integer>> listOfData, int n, SomeInterface foo) {
    int i = 0;
    long var = 0;
    for(List<Integer> list : listOfData) {
        SomeClass rg = new SomeClass(list, n, foo.method(i));
        int result = rg.generate();
        var += foo.method2(i, result);
    return var;

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