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how to parse a JSON string which is inside a array

I have a json of following format:

    "Result": {
        "question": "Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney?",
        "option": [
            "Barack Obama",
            "Mitt Romney",
        "percentage": [

and I am using following code to parse it but this giving null pointer exception at option array.

JSONParser jParser = new JSONParser();

                    JSONObject json = jParser.getJSONObjectFromUrl(url);

                    Log.e("-------url-------", ""+url);

                        String resultStr = json.getString("Result"); 
                        Log.e("result string ",resultStr);

                        JSONObject jsonObject2 = new JSONObject(resultStr);

                        String question_string = jsonObject2.getString("question"); 
                        Log.e("question String ",question_string);

                        String option_str = jsonObject2.getString("option"); 

                        JSONArray optionArray = new JSONArray(option_str);
                        Log.d("option array", String.valueOf(optionArray.length()));

You need to get the json array this way:

JSONArray optionArray = jsonObject2.getJSONArray("option");
Log.d("option array", String.valueOf(optionArray.length()));

check http://www.androidhive.info/2012/01/android-json-parsing-tutorial/


JSONArray optionArray = jsonObject2.getJSONArray("option");

as "option" key points to an array and not to a String.

You're going way too complicated here, and not using those lovely GetJSONObject and getJSONArray functions, which will cause you to double parse a lot. Try this

                JSONParser jParser = new JSONParser();

                JSONObject json = jParser.getJSONObjectFromUrl(url);

                Log.e("-------url-------", ""+url);

                    JSONObject jsonObject2 = json.getJSONObject("Result");

                    String question_string = jsonObject2.getString("question"); 
                    Log.e("question String ",question_string);

                    JSONArray optionArray = jsonObject2.getJSONArray("option"); 

Instead of using

 String option_str = jsonObject2.getString("option"); 

use this :

 JSONARRAY optionArray = jsonObject2.getJSONAray("option");
 for(int i=0;i<optionArray.length; i++){
    String option = optionArray[i].getString();}

Try this..

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