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Display SQL query results in php

I was trying to calculate the total of each column in the database and display it on the webpage using php. But it just gives me

    [0] => 6
    [sum(food1)] => 6

which I just want '6' as my result.

Here is my code

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
    echo $foodid;
    $food_query = mysql_query("select sum($foodid) from orderdetail where date between '$fm_date' and '$to_date'");
    $ttl_food= mysql_fetch_array($food_query);

Thanks so much!

The result of SELECT SUM or any other functions like COUNT() , MAX() etc. is always a recordset. You need to just take the first element of the array of rows (even if only one row exists). Just $your_rows_array[0] .

To avoid having strange names like [sum(food1)] you can SELECT SUM($foodid) AS mysum FROM ... .

Try below one by giving an alias name sumoffood to your aggregate function's output

$food_query = mysql_query("select sum($foodid) as sumoffood from orderdetail where date between '$fm_date' and '$to_date'");

and then use

$ttl_food= mysql_fetch_assoc($food_query);
echo $ttl_food['sumoffood'];


select sum(field) as sum



Try this:

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
echo $foodid;
$food_query = mysql_query("select sum(field) as sum from orderdetail 
where date between '$fm_date' and '$to_date'");
$ttl_food= mysql_fetch_array($food_query);

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