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Display multiple sql query results using php

Ok so I've searched and searched but still struggling to resolve my problem. This is my current php coding:

$show = "Select effectiveness, round((Count(effectiveness)* 100 / (Select Count(*) From acupuncture))) as Score
From acupuncture
Group By effectiveness
$result = mysql_query ($show);

WHILE($show = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$field1 = $show[effectiveness];
$field2 = $show[Score];

echo "$field1: ";
echo "$field2%<br><br>";

In addition to displaying the above I would also love to display the number of rows in the table. I know the sql code is:

"SELECT COUNT(id) AS entries FROM acupuncture"

Problem is when I try to input this into my php page I keep getting errors. I want to show both SELECT statement results on the one php page. If someone can help I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you Shikz

All good, problem has been fixed. Thanks for all your help :) PS This is the code I inputted:

$size = @mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM acupuncture");
$query = mysql_fetch_array($size);
echo "Number of entries: ";
echo $query['total'];
echo "<br><br>";

I was writing up the php code incorrectly before, but now all good. Thanks again.

Try this:

while($show = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
  $field1 = $show['effectiveness'];
  $field2 = $show['Score'];

  echo "$field1: ";
  echo "$field2%<br/><br/>";

To cound all rows found read here

Small hints:

Make change in

WHILE($show = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $field1 = $show[effectiveness];
   $field2 = $show[Score];

   echo "$field1: ";
   echo "$field2%<br><br>";


WHILE($row= mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $field1 = $row[effectiveness];
   $field2 = $row[Score];

   echo "$field1: ";
   echo "$field2%<br><br>";

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