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getting information out of an array with key/value pairs

I have the following snippet of code that is creating the following array...

while ($stmt->fetch()) {
  foreach($row as $key => $val) {
    $x[$key] = $val;
  $results[] = $x;

Results in the follow array:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [cap_login] => master [cap_pword] => B-a411dc195b1f04e638565e5479b1880956011badb73361ca ) ) 

Basically I want to extract the cap_login and cap_pword values for testing. For some reason I can't get it! I've tried this kind of thing:

echo $results[$cap_login]; 

but I get the error

Undefined variable: cap_login

Can someone put me right here? Thanks.

cap_login在$ results中的数组中,所以你必须做$results[0]['cap_login']

You would have to do the following:

echo $x[0]['cap_login'] . '<br />';
echo $x[0]['cap_pword'];

The reson $results[$cap_login] wont work is because there isn't a variable called $cap_login , there is a string called cap login. In addition, there isn't a key in $results called $cap_login. There is a value in $results called 'cap_login'

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