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Getting values from key value pairs PHP

I have a registration form which saves user data to a text file via the serializable method.


I can deserialize the data however I am having some trouble extracting the value "Mario" from the key - "name". Code can be seen below:

$array = file_get_contents('user.txt');

$artikel = unserialize($array);

foreach ($artikel as $item ){
     echo $item['name'];

The error I recieve is Illegal string offset 'name'. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You have a serialized array of JSON strings.

So try like this

//$array = file_get_contents('user.txt');

$artikel = unserialize('a:1:{i:0;s:44:"{"name":"Mario","pw":"3214","email":"mo@mo"}";}');

foreach ($artikel as $item ){
     $json = json_decode($item);
     echo $json->name;

PS: Storing a password in plain text is very bad security, storing that in a simple file is even worse security, so I hope system this will never actually be used. PHP provides password_hash() and password_verify() please use them.

You need to json_decode after foreach with true as a second parameter then you will get array as you want..


$arr = 'a:1:{i:0;s:44:"{"name":"Mario","pw":"3214","email":"mo@mo"}";}';

$artikel = unserialize($arr);

foreach ($artikel as $item ){
     $response = json_decode($item, true);
     echo $response['name'];


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