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How to make separated validation in WPF Application in Windows application

I want to make validation in a separated xaml definition with my own custom code in C# to make windows form. I have been read the resource about code like this validation with custom validation

 <Window  xmlns:validators="clr-namespace:MyValidators" [...]/>

and then this is the xaml definition with custom code

  <TextBox x:Name="textAge">
        <Binding Path="Name">
                 ErrorMessage="Age is required." />

But I want the validation become like this

<TextBox x:Name="textAge" Text="{Binding Path=Age}"/>

And in separate file I want to define my own validation for example Validation.xml

<validation:StringrangeValidationRule target="textAge"  MinimumLength="1" errorMessage="Age is required" />

How I can accomplish this I have so many textBox with different validation rules. I don't want to mix up the definition of textbox and validation in one place that can make me hard to read the code...

Any help regards..

You can put the Binding and the validation rule in a keyed style and assign that to text box. Here is an example

    <Style x:Key="SomeNameTextBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
            <Setter Property="Text">
                    <Binding Path="SomeName">
                                 ErrorMessage="SomeName is required." />

Assign this style to the textbox

<TextBox Style="{StaticResource SomeNameTextBoxStyle}"/>

I think this should work. However I would suggest you to also look at IDataErrorInfo interface which also provides a way to validate properties.

Why not use the Enterprise Library Validation application block. You can then specify validation on your object properties via attributes or configuration (in a separate, non-compiled XML file).

Your XAML then looks like this:

<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeName, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}"/>

There is a new version of Enterprise Library (version 6) that was released in April this year.

These hands-on labs from Microsoft give a good walkthrough of how to get you started (it's for an earlier version but the principles are the same).

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