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Running a Java program in Eclipse as if from command line

So I've found a few questions similar to mine, but none have specifically addressed the issue I'm having.

My program will be invoked by a command line argument such as:

java Main "inputFile.txt" "inputFile2.txt"

I'm programming in Eclipse and am using the public void main(String[] args) to expect an arg[0] and arg[1]

However when I run in eclipse there is no way for me to enter which files I use. To work around this I added the 2 files I need into my project works-pace. Then in run configuration, I specified those to files as: inputFile.txt inputFile2.txt

So when I run the program now it is simply saying it cannot find inputFile.txt

Basically I'm not sure where the issue is, whether I'm entering the arguments in run configuration wrong, whether I'm placing them in my work-space incorrectly, or whether my code is incorrect.

You need to go to: Run Configuration > Argument > Program argument. Then copy and paste

 "inputFile.txt" "inputFile2.txt"

inside the box.


"Run Configuration" program arguments are the place to give the arguments, And also, it just like running from a command line.
You can specify a project and then use ${project_path} to locate the file if it is in your eclipse project. Or you can use any other defined variables.

Also take a look on How to pass console arguments to application in eclipse?

Where to put a textfile I want to use in eclipse?

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