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remove strange file extensions

I have a folder which contains some files with names as given below


I want to rename these files by removing these extensions and need only file name part ie.


How to achieve this using a script?

If all the files in the folder are to be renamed, then all you need is:

ren * *.

See How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards? for more info.

If there are also files in the folder that should not be renamed (files with "normal" extensions), then the following will work:

for /f "eol=; delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d *^|findstr /r "\.................................$"') do @ren "%%F" *.

The \\. matches the dot, and the 32 . match the 32 characters of the extension. The $ anchors the regex match to the end of the line.

Change each %%F to %F if you want to run the command directly from the command prompt instead of from within a batch script.

The line you are looking for is

for %%I in (d:\temp\*) DO ren "%%I" "%%~nI"

Where d:\\temp is the location of the files you want to rename. Note that your batch file has to be in a different folder, else you will rename it as well. Also note that this will rename all the files in the target folder.

try this:

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /a-d /b') do echo ren "%%~fi" "%%~ni"

look at the output and remove the echo , if it is OK.


for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /a:-d /b /o:n') do echo %%~nA

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