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how to pass generic list in CommandParameter

I have command which I am executing from my XAML (view) using below code:

<HyperlinkButton Command="{Binding DataContext.HyperlinkGoToCommand,  RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}" CommandParameter="ABCD">
  <TextBlock Text="ABCD" TextDecorations="Underline"/></HyperlinkButton>

Presently CommandParameter pass as string and it's working fine but I want to pass CommandParameter as List (single item generic list) rather than as string.

If you want to bind collection from (XAML) control for an example from combobox:

<ComboBox x:name="combobox" ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}">
<HyperlinkButton Command="{Binding DataContext.HyperlinkGoToCommand}", CommandParameter="{Binding  ElementName=combobox, Path=ItemsSource}"></HyperlinkButton>

If you want to bind collection from ViewModel:

CommandParameter="{Binding DataContext.YourCollectionPropertyFromViewModel}" or
CommandParameter="{Binding YourCollectionFromViewModel}"

Check this answer for more detail explanations.


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