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How to pass a reference to an object through CommandParameter

I have a MainViewModel class which is the basis for my navigation.

Within that class I have this method with the purpose of changing the parameter object passed in to the selected vendor.

class MainViewModel
        public Command ShowVendorDialogCommand
            private set;
        private void ShowVendorDialog(object parameter)
            if (parameter != null)
                VendorDialog vd = new VendorDialog();
                VendorDialogViewModel vm = new VendorDialogViewModel();
                vd.DataContext = vm;
                vm.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
                    if (e.PropertyName == "CloseDialog")

                if (vm.DialogResult)
                    parameter = vm.SelectedVendor.Copy() as Vendor;

The class that is affected by this method is below:

    class InventoryStyleSingleViewModel
            public Vendor
                      return _Vendor;
                      if (value != null)
                           _Vendor = value;
            private Vendor _Vendor;


I am essentially trying to pass the Vendor property as a reference type through the CommandParameter property to the ShowVendorDialog which is executed through a RelayCommand, I am just not sure how to accomplish the reference part.

Here is the xaml that binds to the ShowVendorDialogCommand.

<Button Width="50" DockPanel.Dock="Left" Command="{Binding ElementName=BeginWindow, Path=DataContext.ShowVendorDialogCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding Vendor}" Content="..." />

This does not accomplish what I need as the Vendor property is passed by value into the ShowVendorDialog function.

Is there anyway to pass the Vendor by reference?

private void ShowVendorDialog(ref object parameter)不起作用吗?

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